Funding 125 Group

As 125 Group has moved to being an active preservation group, our costs have continued to rise. Keeping four power cars and 13 trailer vehicles on the rails and in good operational condition is not a cheap activity!

If you are one of our (almost) 800 strong membership you are already helping towards our typical monthly expenses of over £5000! If you are a follower/supporter of our activities, why not join up as a member today? Donating regularly via Direct Debit is also a great way to help and provides us with more stable cashflow for planning future projects with.

Purchases from Shop125 also go a long way towards funding our activities. Did you know you can also add one-off donations at checkout? Even rounding off your purchase to the nearest £ helps. Supporting us with Buffet125 and Shop125 purchases at events and running days also go a long way with the bonus of seeing your donations in action! Alternatively, if you are shopping at Amazon, why not support us with no cost to yourself using AmazonSmile?

43044 in Executive Livery at Neville Hill

While this is something no one likes to think about, leaving us a bequest in your will is a way of helping us out in the future and leaving your own mark on the HST legacy.

With upcoming key projects such as fitting toilet retention tanks (to enable mainline passenger service), vehicle repaints and the ongoing Valenta works on 43044 your support is needed more than ever. Thank you for your ongoing support so we can continue to tell the HST story for years to come.

Visit and donation from Crosscountry

We recently had David Jones and John Robson from Crosscountry trains visit our set with a kind donation of several hundred first class headrest covers (antimacassars). During the visit, the opportunity was taken to test fit these to one of our first class coaches (image below) as well as discuss the possiblility of future collaboration, especially as May 2022 sees the 40th anniversary of BR’s introduction of HSTs on the North East – South West/South Wales services. Many thanks to Crosscountry for the kind donation which will be put to good use.

Image of First Class coach interior with XC Antimacassars fitted