Despite a number of challenges during 2020 (including the dreaded COVID-19), 125 Group have been fortunate in being able to continue working towards our aim of preserving HST Powercars and MK3 coaches.

Thanks to the generosity of Porterbrook, we took ownership of 43089 at the end of August. 43089 moved to Leicester and went on temporary hire to DATS in September. This was followed by the transfer of 43048 at the beginning of October. While this was happening, we were also able to secure additional HST MK3 trailers from Porterbrook – TF 41057, TS 42111 and TFRB 40730. These trailers moved to Leicester to join 43089 in early November. 43048 has since joined them, being moved from temporary storage at Long Marston on 18th November.
Our plans for keeping these vehicles safe and operational during the current situation of lockdowns and other COVID restrictions are currently being worked on. Members always get our preservation updates first via email or our OneTwoFive members magazine. You can join online here by direct debit or one-off annual payment to ensure you get the latest 125 Group news first!